
 The Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy (ALIS) Facility and the Duke Light Microscopy Facility (LMCF) in partnership with Thorlabs presents the Multiphoton Symposium – Introduction and Applications of Multiphoton ImagingonOctober 15-16, 2024Tuesday will include a keynote lecture, seminars on the fundamentals on multiphoton microscopy, research talks, and instrument demonstrations. On Wednesday, researchers can register for hands-on sessions with their samples… read more about Multiphoton Symposium »

Advanced Optical Microscopy Seminar Series ALIS and LMCF are presenting a free virtual seminar series about current optical imaging techniques offered and/or developed at the two facilities. The series consists of seminars about the techniques and their applications, broadcasts of a walk-through for an actual imaging experiment, and hands-on workshops, where you can bring a sample. As of now the seminars are held virtually via Zoom. They are free, but registration is required (you only need to register once and the link… read more about Seminar Series on Advanced Optical Imaging Methods »

We will have an exciting, multiday event on the Duke campus from the evening of Sunday, October 6 through Tuesday, October 8. This meeting, organized by the Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Imaging, combines two major events: the Kickoff for our Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy (ALIS) Facility, and the Southeast Ultrafast Laser Conference 2019, supported by Coherent. Preregistration is free, because of sponsorship by Coherent Inc. and the Chan… read more about ALIS Kickoff Meeting Oct 6-8, 2019 »

Associate Research Professor Martin Fischer has received an Imaging Scientist Award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The Initiative, founded by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, seeks to find new ways to leverage technology, community-driven solutions, and collaboration to accelerate progress in Science, Education, and within Justice & Opportunity work. The award will fund Prof. Fischer's work in ALIS and will also fund an annual conference here at Duke featuring local and invited presentations… read more about Director Receives Imaging Award from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative »

Duke has begun construction of a significant new research facility called the Advanced Light-Imaging Spectroscopy facility, or ALIS. The facility will feature a novel lattice light-sheet microscopy, a multimodal pump-probe, and a deep-tissue serial sectioning microscope. The facility is part of Duke's strategic investment in the sciences, and is supported by a gift from an anonymous donor, the Office of the Provost, and Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. read more about New Advanced Microscopy Facility »